How do I add a retired or sold ship to my Cruise History?

Here are the steps to add retired or sold ships in your “All Cruises” list. You’ll still find some retired and sold ships listed in the main list of cruise ships if we have full itineraries for those. Otherwise, those could be listed in the “Other ships” section. To add a retired or ship to your cruising history, follow these steps.

  1. Go to “My Cruises” tab in Ship Mate
  2. From “All Cruises” section, tap “Add Cruise”
  3. Select Cruise Line
  4. Choose Ship if shown, otherwise tap “Other Ships” button
  5. Select Ship from Other Ships List
  6. Add Cruise Date & Length

You can find this ability in our video demo here.
If your ship isn’t shown from the main or “other” list, you can skip to the “Ship Not Shown section.